Eye Camp at Vishvanathapura Spandandeep in association with Shankar eye hospital organised eyecamp at Vishvanathapura village on 12th March 2023 (Sunday).Summary of the camp:Total persons visited – 160Spectacles required – 60Catarac surgery – 25, out of which 15 patients undergone Catarac.Refer to base hospital – 20Normal – 55Spandandeep heartfelt thanks to each one of you who have been workedbehind for […]
Eye Camp at Vishvanathapura
Bicycles Distribution program
Bicycles Distribution program WSP donated 7 bicycles to our children those who are persuing theireducation in Government Schools. Spandandeep heartfully thank each oneof you who have been worked behind for the success of the event.We would like to thank to Deepak and Anand from Focus U for thecoordination and selected our NGO to receive bicycles along withchildren.This event was organised […]
Bicycles distribution program
Bicycles distribution program Alcon India Pvt. LTd donated 9 bicycles to our children who arepersuing their education in Government schools. Spandandeep Heartfullythank each one of you who have been worked behind for the success ofthe event.I would like to thank to Anas Hansari and Rahul sir from TheThoughtbulb India Pvt LTD for the coordination an and selected our NGOto receive […]