Spandandeep foundation

Organising third eye camp 2022

Spandandeep in association with Shankar Eye Hospital were organised
eye camp at Vidhyanagar cross on 17th April 2022.
Impact of the camp:
Total persons visited – 140
Refer to base hospital – 29
Require specktacles – 29
Require undergo Catarac surgery – 41
Normal – 16

Shri Vimal Kumar, Managing Trustee – Spandandeep, Shri H. Srinivas
rreddy, Trustee – Spandandeep, Shri K.N. Srinivas, Vice-president –
Spandandeep, Mr. Kumar, Coordinator – Shankar Eye hospital were the
guest of this event. Mr. Kumar and his medical team were done
screening, testing and diagnose the patients with great compassion.
This event was a very successful one and we will distribute free
specktacles and making arrangements for undergo Catarac surgery.